7 Anti-Bribery and Corruption Principles of KFTD: Transparency to Whistleblower Protection

PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) as part of Kimia Farma Group enforces strict controls on all forms of acceptance within the organization that could lead to bribery. This includes offers, the receiving or provision of gifts, donations, and other similar benefits known legally as gratification.

KFTD takes all practices of gratification seriously, following seven established anti-bribery and corruption principles.

1. Transparency

Transparency in gratification management emphasizes open reporting, which is available to authorities and the public if necessary. All forms of gratification, including gifts and donations, must be thoroughly recorded and reported in accordance with KFTD’s official website under the Gratification  Reporting Media section.

2. Accountability

All personnel within the organization are accountable for their actions. KFTD encourages responsibility through awareness campaigns, the issuance of Circular Letters forbidding gratification, and regular monitoring by the Risk Management Unit, therefore integrating accountability into the corporate culture.

3. Legal Certainty

KFTD maintains compliance with rules and regulations when managing gratification to prevent deviations from defined standards.

4. Public Interest

KFTD promotes public interest while making decisions, ensuring that actions benefit both the corporation and the community.

5. Independence

KFTD aims for independent and objective decision-making in its operations, which is devoid of external pressures that might jeopardize integrity or lead to unethical practices such as bribery and corruption.

6. Supervision and Evaluation

KFTD’s Gratification Control Unit (UPG) undertakes frequent monitoring and evaluations to identify, manage, and mitigate any bribery concerns.

7. Whistleblower Protection

KFTD provides protection for whistleblowers who disclose potential bribery. This includes the confidentiality of the reported information, protection against any forms of intimidation or prejudice, and the possibility of reporting anonymously.

By implementing these seven anti-bribery and corruption principles, KFTD reaffirms its commitment to transparency and business accountability. This commitment builds stakeholder trust and promotes integrity and legal compliance that is aligned with good corporate governance standards.

7 Anti-Bribery and Corruption Principles of KFTD: Transparency to Whistleblower Protection
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